Version 1.1 is coming

As we approch version 1.1 I thought it would be good to share some of the features that will be added (hopefuly) into version 1.1, as I am a solo dev some things take longer than others which means that some things on this list may get pushed back an update. With that said here are the things that are being added into version 1.1 of Spelling Test :

🧊  Streak Freezes  🧊

If you are trying to build up a streak then you know how annoying it is when you are away for a day and have to lose your streak, streak freezes are being added so that you can miss a day every so often, but don't think these will be free, you will earn coins every lesson based on how many correct answers you got that lesson. Spending coins in the new shop will arm you with a streak freeze.

🐶  Pets  🐰

coins can be spent on more than just streak freezes! Buy some cute pets to help you on your journey, pets will be expensive but worth it because they are not just there to look cool, they can find coins, streak freezes and other items as they get added slowly into the game through future updates.

🎵  Music  🎵

I will be improving the music in this app to make it less repetetive than current music, adding a piano and even some drums

Please let me know of anything else you would like to see in the comments below (to be released on November 1 2021)

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